After a disaster hits and you begin to assess the damage, your first thought is to contact your insurance company to file a claim. What you may not be aware of is that the insurance company wants you to do that so they get to inspect the damage and offer you a settlement. The settlement they provide to you may not be what the actual damage is worth, so you need to look into a Kalamazoo public adjuster like Up Front Settlements.
Working with You
Our experienced staff has the proper knowledge to work with you and be by your side when you deal with your insurance company. The strategies we help you with have been fashioned from years of working in the claims departments of insurance companies. We know how they work and that allows our Kalamazoo insurance adjuster the advantage and helps you to receive a fair settlement.
Public Claims Adjuster
If this term is not familiar to you, we are an outside company that is hired by you to do exactly what your insurance company will do, but for you. Our insurance adjuster will inspect the damages, determine the amount of money it will cost to repair the damages, and then come up with a total. The only difference is we are unbiased and our opinion is a fair assessment with only the actual repair in mind. Your insurance company sends out someone from their office and their goal is to save the company money so their settlement offer may not be enough to complete the job.
Property Damage
Up Front Settlements has a staff of professionals with over 25 years of experience and led by owner Ed Benavides who knows all about the claims process. You should not delay finding an insurance adjuster in Kalamazoo if you have suffered from damages like fire, water damage, frozen pipes, or tornado and wind damage.
Claims Adjuster in Kalamazoo
Once you suffer property damage, you want to get it repaired as fast as possible, but do not settle for an amount less than what you deserve. You have paid your premiums so let Up Front Settlements get you a fair settlement to have your damages repaired to the highest standards that you can.